A white background with the words 'The Lilac Review' in the centre. The words are surrounded by various shapes in shades of blue and purple.

The Lilac Review

The Lilac Review is an independent review, aiming to tackle the inequality faced by disabled-led businesses and level-up entrepreneurial opportunity across the UK.

Spearheaded by Small Business Britain, the Lilac Review launched in February 2024 and will seek to identify the barriers faced by disabled-led businesses in the UK, and develop and action plan to remove them.

Estimates suggests that improving opportunity for disabled founders could unlock an additional £230 billion for the UK economy. Disabled entrepreneurs currently account for approximately 25% of the nation’s 5.5 million small businesses, but only 8.6% of total small business turnover. Four fifths feel they have unequal access to opportunities and resources.

Operating over a two-year period, the Lilac Review will undertake extensive research and analysis to identify, and remove, challenges faced by disabled entrepreneurs.

Interim findings will be published in Summer 2024, with a final report shared at the end of 2025, which will include recommendations and a call-to action for driving positive change across society.

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